Wholesale Detox | Pharmacist-Formulated | Green Gone Detox icon

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Green Gone Wholesale

You want to offer your customers the best, and part of that commitment is offering products that can help them reset their tolerance and improve their eligibility for employment, educational enrollment, and athletic endeavors. Our pharmacist-designed formula is based on the real science behind the human body’s metabolism process. Our products have been crafted based on an understanding of THC and other cannabinoids, and how the body eliminates them and their derivative compounds. By offering an all-natural formula that optimizes this natural process, you can give your patrons a safe, effective tool to help cleanse their systems and protect their privacy.

Grounded In The Latest Science

pharmacist detox formulaPharmacists are well-versed in organic chemistry—the science of the chemical reactions that take place inside our bodies to keep them properly functioning and healthy. This gives them a unique insight into not only the effects of cannabis but also how it’s processed and eliminated. From the time it’s ingested until it is finally expelled in your stool or urine, cannabis compounds undergo many chemical reactions. By focussing on the mechanism of these actions, Green Gone Detox is able to offer a formula designed to eliminate—not mask—cannabis metabolites from your body faster.

Providing Your Clients Effective Cannabis Accessories

Your customers don’t just come to you for the best prices or products. They choose your store because of their relationship with you, a business they trust. Make sure you have the products they can count on. We’re ready to partner with you to deliver a pharmacist-formulated, all-natural detox to help them live their authentic cannabis lifestyle more fully. Contact our partnership team today for more information about offering our products. We can’t wait to work with you!